Tips for Staying Hydrated Throughout the Day

Tips for Staying Hydrated Throughout the Day

Tips for Staying Hydrated Throughout the Day

Table of Contents

  • How Much Water Do You Need Daily?
  • Morning Hydration Tips
  • Hydration Hacks for During the Day
  • Best Beverages to Stay Hydrated
  • Foods With High Water Content
  • Evening Hydration Tips
  • Signs of Dehydration to Watch For
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Water Do You Need Daily?

The amount of water you need can vary based on your health, activity level, and climate. The general recommendation is around 8 cups or 2 liters per day for women and 11 cups or 3 liters for men. However, you may need more if you exercise intensely or live in a hot environment.

Tips for calculating your hydration needs:

  • Drink an extra 1-2 cups for every hour of exercise.
  • Increase intake by an extra 1-2 cups on hot summer days.
  • If your urine is consistently dark yellow, up your water intake.
  • Let thirst guide you - drink when thirsty.

Morning Hydration Tips

It's important to start your day off right with proper hydration after going 8+ hours without water while sleeping. Here are some morning hydration tips:

  • Drink 2 cups (16 oz) of water right when you wake up - This helps rehydrate and energize your body and brain.
  • Add lemon or lime - For flavor and vitamin C to boost hydration.
  • Drink water before coffee - Since caffeine is dehydrating, avoid it being the first beverage.
  • Front-load fluids at meals - Drink water halfway through and at the end of breakfast.
  • Set a reminder - Have an alarm on your phone or a note to drink water at consistent intervals through the morning.

Hydration Hacks for During the Day

It can be challenging to stay on top of hydration when you're busy and active during the day. Use these simple strategies to up your fluid intake:

  • Carry a water bottle - Having water always available makes sipping mindlessly easy.
  • Set hourly alerts on your smartwatch or phone - Remind yourself to drink up frequently.
  • Leave water bottles around your home/office - In your bag, by your desk, nightstand, etc. for easy access.
  • Flavor your water - Add lemon slices, fruit like berries, cucumber, mint, ginger, etc.
  • Eat water-rich fruits/veg - Snack on hydrating options like oranges, grapes, lettuce, celery, etc.
  • Drink a glass before each meal - Helps you drink adequate water and prevents overeating.

Best Beverages to Stay Hydrated

While water is ideal, there are other healthy and hydrating drink options to mix it up. Here are some of the top beverages for staying hydrated:

  • Coconut water - Packed with key electrolytes like potassium.
  • Skim or low-fat milk - Has similar hydration properties as water plus calcium.
  • Fresh fruit-infused water - Add your own fruity flavors.
  • Vegetable juice - Go for low-sodium options.
  • Sparkling water - The bubbles make it more interesting than flat water.
  • Green tea - Provides antioxidants in addition to hydration.
  • Oat milk - Contains fiber for slower nutrient absorption.
  • Herbal tea - Opt for no/low caffeine varieties.
  • 100% fruit juice - Focus on lower sugar kinds.

Foods With High Water Content

While drinking fluids is most effective, you can also get hydration from foods. Focus on eating fresh, raw fruits and vegetables with high water content. Some top options include:

  • Watermelon - 92% water.
  • Strawberries - 91% water.
  • Cantaloupe - 90% water.
  • Cucumber - 95% water.
  • Zucchini - 94% water.
  • Tomatoes - 94% water.
  • Raspberries - 87% water.
  • Pineapple - 87% water.
  • Peaches - 88% water.
  • Oranges - 87% water.

Evening Hydration Tips

Many people struggle to drink enough fluid in the evening hours. Here are some great ways to increase hydration at night:

  • Drink water with dinner - Aim for 2 glasses as part of your meal.
  • Set a phone alert at 8 p.m. - Remind yourself to drink if needed.
  • Have herbal tea before bed - Opt for soothing, non-caffeinated varieties.
  • Eat water-rich foods - Fruits like melon, pineapple, berries.
  • Drink a glass if waking at night - Keep water by your bed to naturally rehydrate if you get up.
  • Finish strong before bedtime - Have 8-16 oz within the hour before you go to sleep.

Signs of Dehydration to Watch For

Pay attention to signals from your body that you may be dehydrated, including:

  • Fatigue and lethargy
  • Dry mouth
  • Thirst
  • Infrequent urination and dark yellow urine
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Muscle cramps


Staying hydrated from morning to night is essential for your health and wellbeing. Drink plenty of fluids, front-load at mealtimes, set hourly alerts, carry a water bottle, and consume water-rich foods. Pay attention to signs of dehydration and be sure to get adequate hydration all day long. Proper hydration will keep your body energized, your mind focused, and your health in great shape.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I make myself drink more water?

Carry a water bottle, set reminders on your phone/watch, have water readily available around the house, drink a glass before meals, add flavor to your water, leave notes to drink more, and opt for water over other beverages.

What color should your urine be if hydrated?

Properly hydrated urine is a pale yellow color. Dark yellow, amber, or honey colored urine indicates you need to drink more fluids.

How can you tell if you're dehydrated?

Signs of dehydration include thirst, infrequent urination, dark yellow urine, fatigue, dizziness, dry mouth, headache, and muscle cramps. Pay attention to these cues from your body.

What is the fastest way to rehydrate?

For quick rehydration, drink fresh water and beverages with electrolytes like coconut water and regular or pedialyte. Eating fruits/veg with high water content will also boost hydration.

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