Understanding Metabolism: Factors That Impact Weight Loss


Understanding Metabolism: Factors That Impact Weight Loss


What is Metabolism?

Metabolism is all the chemical processes in your body that convert food and drinks into energy. It impacts how quickly or slowly you burn calories.

1. Catabolism

Breaking down macronutrients into energy and waste products.

2. Anabolism

Using energy to build and repair cells and tissues.

Basal Metabolic Rate

Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the minimum energy expended when resting or sleeping. It's estimated by factors like:

·                     Age

·                     Sex

·                     Body size and composition

1. Accounts for 60-75%

BMR makes up the majority of the calories you burn daily.

2. Genetic Predisposition

BMR can run faster or slower in different individuals.

Factors That Influence Metabolism

Things that affect your metabolic rate include:

·                     Age - metabolism slows over time

·                     Muscle mass - more muscles burn more calories

·                     Body size - larger people burn more at rest

·                     Hormones like thyroid, estrogen, testosterone

·                     Genetics and family history

1. Peak Metabolism

Metabolism peaks in the late teens to early 20s then declines.

2. Weight Gain

A slower metabolism makes weight gain more likely with age.

Diet's Effect on Metabolism

Your dietary habits influence metabolic rate:

·                     Calorie restriction slows metabolism

·                     Very low calorie diets are counterproductive

·                     Meal frequency and timing matters - don't skip breakfast

·                     Protein increases metabolic rate more than carbs or fat

1. Starvation Response

Severe calorie deficits cause your body to conserve energy, slowing metabolism.

2. Small Deficit

Aim for a modest calorie deficit, eat sufficient protein, and strength train.

Exercise and Metabolism

Physical activity and exercise boosts metabolic rate:

·                     Aerobic exercise like jogging causes an EPOC effect

·                     Weight training builds muscle which burns more calories

·                     High intensity interval training maximizes calorie burn

·                     Consistency is key - metabolism increases with regular activity

1. Calories Burned During

The more intense the exercise, the more calories used.

2. EPOC Effect

Metabolism remains elevated for hours after exercise.

Lifestyle and Metabolism

Other lifestyle factors that impact metabolic rate include:

·                     Hydration - being dehydrated slows metabolism

·                     Sleep - lack of sleep disrupts metabolic hormones

·                     Stress - increased cortisol promotes fat storage

1. Water

Drink water instead of sugary beverages.

2. Destressing

Manage stress levels through mindfulness, meditation, etc.


Metabolism is influenced by age, muscle mass, hormones, and genetics. Diet, exercise, hydration and stress levels also impact metabolic rate. Avoid severe calorie restriction and build lean muscle to help maintain a healthy metabolism.


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