Exercises To Improve Balance and Prevent Falls


Exercises To Improve Balance and Prevent Falls


Importance of Balance Training

Balance declines with age, leading to instability, coordination problems and increased fall risk. Balance exercises can help enhance stability and prevent falls by improving these areas:

·                     Leg muscle strength

·                     Core stability

·                     Reflexes

·                     Proprioception - sense of body position

·                     Vestibular system - inner ear balance control

1. Fall Risk Factors

Lack of balance, muscle weakness, medications, poor vision and unsafe environments contribute to falls.

2. Benefits

Balance training helps strengthen stabilizing muscles, tendons and joints.

10 Balance Exercises

Here are 10 great balance exercises to improve stability and coordination:

1. Tandem Stance

Stand with one foot directly in front of the other, touching heel to toe. Hold for 30 seconds, then switch feet.

2. Single Leg Stance

Stand on one leg, holding for up to 30 seconds. Keep knees soft, posture tall. Repeat on other side.

3. Walking Heel to Toe

Take 20 steps, placing the heel of one foot directly in front of the other foot's toes.

4. Clock Reaches

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Reach arms straight out to sides or up overhead, holding for 1-2 seconds.

5. Balance Beam

Walk along a straight painted line or low balance beam with arms out. Go heel to toe.

6. Ball Circles

Sitting, extend one leg straight out. Use your foot to trace circles clockwise then counter-clockwise.

7. Balance Squats

Stand on one leg, do a squat, lightly tapping the floor with other foot if needed.

8. Hip Marching

Standing, lift one knee up, keeping foot flexed. Alternate lifting knees high, like marching.

9. Heel-Toe Rocking

Shift weight from heels to toes and back again, rocking gently side to side.

10. Balance Reach-Outs

While standing sturdy, take turns reaching forward, overhead, and to each side with one arm.

Balance Training Tips

·                     Start exercises near a wall or sturdy chair

·                     Focus gaze on a spot in front of you

·                     Move slowly, avoid quick turns

·                     Do balance exercises 2-3 times per week

·                     Progress to fewer handholds over time

·                     Stop if you feel dizzy or shaky

Balance Aids and Equipment

These tools can provide added support while building balance skills:

·                     Balance pad - cushions to stand on

·                     Rocker and wobble boards

·                     Stability balls

·                     BOSU balls

·                     Balance beams or foam rollers

Balance Classes

Consider joining a class focused on balance, stability and fall prevention such as:

·                     Yoga

·                     Tai Chi

·                     Pilates

·                     Senior fitness classes

·                     Physical therapy balance programs


Balance and stability tend to decline with age. Performing targeted balance exercises helps strengthen muscles, improve coordination, and enhance balance reactions. This can prevent falls and related injuries. Aim to do balance exercises several times per week, using supports as needed. Classes, equipment, and safety tips can aid progress.


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