How Alcohol Impacts the Body and Tips for Cutting Back


How Alcohol Impacts the Body and Tips for Cutting Back



Alcohol acts as a depressant on the brain, slowing down activity and function. It impairs coordination, memory, judgement and decision-making abilities. Binge drinking can lead to blackouts.


Drinking raises blood pressure and can cause cardiomyopathy, arrhythmias and stroke. Heavy drinking also contributes to obesity, increasing heart disease risks.


Alcohol can cause fat to accumulate in liver cells, leading to alcoholic fatty liver disease. This can progress to inflammation, fibrosis, cirrhosis and liver failure.


Heavy alcohol use is a leading cause of pancreatitis or inflammation of the pancreas. Chronic pancreatitis can impair insulin production leading to diabetes.

Cancer Risk

Chronic alcohol consumption raises risks of mouth, esophageal, throat, liver and breast cancer. Alcohol damages DNA and body tissues.

Immune System

Drinking excessive amounts suppresses the immune system, making you more susceptible to pneumonia and tuberculosis. Hangovers also take a toll on immunity.

Tips for Cutting Back on Alcohol

·                     Record number of drinks to identify patterns

·                     Set a maximum limit per week

·                     Avoid drinking "triggers" like events or friends

·                     Find new social activities and hobbies

·                     Avoid keeping alcohol at home

·                     Dilute drinks with soda or water

·                     Sip slowly to make drinks last longer

·                     Talk to your doctor if you need help quitting


Alcohol negatively impacts the brain, heart, liver, pancreas and immune system while increasing cancer risk. Moderating intake or quitting improves health. Speak with your doctor for help cutting back if needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.                   What are 5 effects of alcohol on the body?

Impaired coordination, memory loss, liver damage, high blood pressure, suppressed immunity, cancer risk, weight gain, and mental health issues.

2.                   Does alcohol thin or thicken your blood?

Drinking makes blood thinner and less able to clot properly. This raises the risk of bleeding events and hemorrhagic stroke.

3.                   What happens if you drink alcohol everyday?

Daily drinking can lead to alcoholism and severe health effects like liver disease, pancreatitis, heart problems, neurological issues and nutritional deficiencies.

4.                   What are signs you need to stop drinking?

Signs include inability to limit intake, needing a drink to relax or sleep, neglected priorities, unexplained injuries, memory issues and financial or legal troubles.


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