Warning Signs of Dehydration And Importance of Fluids


Warning Signs of Dehydration And Importance of Fluids


Dehydration Symptoms in Adults

Early signs of dehydration in adults include:

·                     Thirst

·                     Dry mouth

·                     Fatigue

·                     Lightheadedness

·                     Dark urine

·                     Dry skin

As dehydration worsens, more severe symptoms may develop like:

·                     Extreme thirst

·                     Irritability

·                     Muscle cramps

·                     Weakness or dizziness

·                     Fainting

·                     Little or no urination

Dehydration Symptoms in Children

Young children are especially prone to dehydration. Watch for:

·                     Decreased urination

·                     No tears when crying

·                     Sunken eyes, cheeks

·                     Irritability, tiredness

·                     Dry diapers

·                     Parched lips and mouth

·                     Weakness

Dehydration Symptoms in Athletes

Athletes sweating heavily should watch for these signs of dehydration:

·                     Thirst

·                     Muscle cramps

·                     Nausea

·                     Headache

·                     Dizziness or lightheadedness

·                     Fatigue

·                     Decreased performance

Roles of Water in the Body

Water makes up over half our body weight and is needed for:

1.                   Transporting oxygen, nutrients to cells

2.                   Cushioning joints and organs

3.                   Regulating body temperature

4.                   Aiding digestion

5.                   Flushing bacteria from bladder

6.                   Moisturizing skin

Even mild dehydration can impair these essential processes.

Daily Fluid Intake Recommendations

Daily fluid needs differ by individual but general guidelines are:

·                     Women: Around 11 cups (2.7 liters)

·                     Men: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters)

·                     Athletes & workers exposed to heat: Up to 12 cups (3 liters) more

·                     Pregnant/nursing mothers: 1-2 extra cups (237-473ml) more

Drink extra fluids during illness, hot weather or strenuous activity. Thirst indicates mild dehydration - hydrate before that point.

Frequently Asked Questions

What drinks help rehydrate besides water?

Coconut water, fruit juice diluted with water, skim milk, and oral rehydration solutions help replenish fluids and electrolytes.

How can you tell if a child is dehydrated?

Signs include decreased urination, lack of tears, dry mouth and eyes, and sunken eyes and cheeks.

What electrolytes are lost through dehydration?

Dehydration leads to losses of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and chloride. Sports drinks replenish these.


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