Sexual Health, Prevention and Treatment


Sexual Health, Prevention and Treatment

STD/STI Prevention

Practicing safe sex through barrier contraception, monogamy with an uninfected partner, vaccination and not sharing needles are key ways to prevent sexually transmitted diseases and infections (STDs/STIs).

Barrier Methods

  • Male and female condoms
  • Dental dams


  • HPV vaccine
  • Hepatitis B vaccine

STD/STI Testing

Getting tested regularly, even without symptoms, is crucial for identifying and treating STDs/STIs early before complications arise.

Recommended Screenings

  1. Chlamydia and Gonorrhea - Annual test if sexually active under 25
  2. HIV - Test at least once between ages 13-64
  3. Syphilis - Screening depends on risk factors
  4. HPV - HPV DNA test every 3-5 years if over 30
  5. Hepatitis C - Screening based on individual risk factors

Testing can identify infections before symptoms appear, allowing for prompt treatment.

STD/STI Treatment

Most STDs/STIs can be cured with antibiotics or antiviral medication if caught early. Treatment is crucial to prevent complications like infertility, certain cancers, neonatal infections, and organ damage.

Common Treatments

  • Chlamydia - Antibiotics like Azithromycin or Doxycycline
  • Gonorrhea - Antibiotics like Ceftriaxone and Azithromycin
  • Syphilis - Penicillin injections
  • Trichomoniasis - Oral antibiotics like Metronidazole
  • HIV - Antiviral medications (ART)

Complete the full treatment regimen as prescribed and avoid sexual activity until cured.

Reproductive Health

Reproductive health encompasses fertility awareness, family planning, contraception, preconception care, abortion access and menstrual hygiene.

Key Aspects

  • Understanding fertility cycle and ovulation
  • Pregnancy planning and prenatal vitamins
  • Access to contraception - condoms, birth control, etc.
  • Cancer screenings - pap smears, mammograms
  • Resources for abortion and menstrual products

Good reproductive health means individuals can control if, when and how often to reproduce.

Sexual Dysfunction

Sexual dysfunction involves problems with desire, arousal, orgasm or pain that create distress or strain relationships. Underlying health issues, medications, stress and mental health can contribute.

Treatment Options

  • Counseling and sex therapy
  • Hormone therapy
  • Medical devices like vacuum pumps or vaginal dilators
  • Medications like Viagra for erectile dysfunction
  • Pelvic floor physical therapy

Treatment success improves when partners openly communicate their needs and feelings.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I get tested for STDs?

CDC recommends all sexually active individuals get tested for common STDs like chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis at least once a year. More frequent testing may be required based on risk factors.

What birth control methods are most effective?

Implants, IUDs and sterilization offer over 99% effectiveness at preventing pregnancy. Other options like the pill, ring, shot and condoms are 91-94% effective with perfect use.

What causes erectile dysfunction?

Physical causes include heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, medication side effects and low testosterone. Psychological factors like stress, anxiety and depression may also play a role.


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