Keep the Weight Off for Good with these Pro Tips


Keep the Weight Off for Good with these Pro Tips


Yoo! Losing weight is tough, but keeping it off can be even tougher. The stats show that many people regain weight after successful dieting. Not cool! 😤 But with the right strategies, you can totally maintain your hard-earned weight loss for life.


In this post, I'll share my best tips for keeping excess pounds from creeping back on after you've slimmed down. Making a few sustainable lifestyle tweaks is key. Let's dig in!


 Move More Throughout Your Day


Alright folks, exercising regularly is important while losing weight. But NEAT may be even more important for maintenance. Say what?!


NEAT stands for non-exercise activity thermogenesis. This includes all the moving you do outside of dedicated exercise like walking, pacing, fidgeting, standing, cleaning, etc.


Increase your NEAT to burn extra calories that support keeping the weight off. Set a goal for 10K steps per day, stand while working, pace while on calls, take the stairs, etc. More NEAT = better maintenance.


 Continue Tracking Calories


Tracking your food intake is super helpful while actively losing weight. But keeping it up at a maintenance level is also key! Knowing your calorie intake helps ensure you don't creep back into a surplus.


Use an app to tally your calories for at least a few days per week. After tracking consistently while losing weight, you'll have a good sense of portions. But it's still smart to monitor.


Be sure to adjust your intake to reflect your new maintenance needs as you reach goal weight. You’ll likely be able to eat more calories while staying lean. Hallelujah! 🙌


 Eat Mindfully


Alright folks, mindful eating is major for maintaining weight loss. It means eating slowly, without distractions, and really savoring each bite. Being mindful prevents overeating.


Serve yourself reasonable portions so you don't go back for endless seconds. Stop eating when you feel satisfied - not stuffed. Taking the time to enjoy your food helps control portions.


Also, minimize snacks, meals in front of the TV, giant restaurant plates, and other mindless eating traps. Staying aware while fueling your bod is key 🔑.


 Stick with Meal Planning


Planning healthy meals and snacks prevents you from winging it and making poor choices when hunger strikes. Meal prep takes effort but it’s so key.


Each week, plan out meals and main ingredients you’ll need. Grocery shop accordingly and prep a few batches of staples like veggies, grains, proteins.


When meals are ready to grab in the fridge/freezer, you’ll be less tempted to cave and order takeout. Meal planning takes the guesswork out of eating healthy.


 Focus on Nutrient Density


When maintaining weight loss, you still want to maximize nutrition in fewer calories. Make sure to eat plenty of foods with a high nutrient-to-calorie ratio.


We’re talking veggies, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, nuts, seeds, beans/legumes. Limit empty calorie foods like chips, cookies, soda, candy, etc.


Nutrient-dense foods keep you feeling energized and satisfied on fewer calories, which helps avoid weight creep. You got this!


 Stay Hydrated


Hydration is just as important after weight loss as it is while dieting. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day supports maintenance efforts.


For one, water helps fill you up before meals, which prevents overeating. It’s also an appetite suppressant. Shooting for a gallon per day is ideal for feeling satiated.


Water also keeps your energy and metabolism revved. Remind yourself to fill up a water bottle and sip all day every day. Hydration is the elixir of life!


 Keep Protein Intake High


Eating adequate protein while losing weight helps preserve metabolism-boosting muscle. But it’s also super key for keeping weight off.


Protein keeps you feeling fuller for longer than carbs or fat. Make sure to continue eating 0.7-1 gram of protein per pound as your new normal. 


Load up at breakfast, eat protein-rich snacks like Greek yogurt and nuts, and have a palm-sized serving of protein with each meal. Protein truly is the ultimate weight loss MVP.


 Continue Strength Training


Alright fitness fam, continuing strength training 2-3x per week is critical for maintaining muscle mass after dropping pounds. Lifting weights fuels your metabolism.


Challenge yourself by progressively increasing weights, changing up your routine, and pushing to fatigue those muscles. Even basic at-home bodyweight training is effective when done consistently.


Strength training preserves the lean muscle mass you worked hard to build while losing weight. Don't skimp on it - those calorie-burning muscles need love!


 Watch Alcohol Intake


Okay party people, I've got some not-so-fun news. Consuming alcoholic beverages makes weight maintenance far more challenging. Booze packs empty sneaky calories and lowers inhibitions.


If you do drink alcohol, keep it reasonable - 1 drink max per day for women and 2 for men. Avoid sugary cocktail mixes. Alternate each alcoholic beverage with water to control portions.


And make sure to account for those liquid calories in your food intake! Enjoy alcoholic beverages in moderation as part of an overall healthy diet and lifestyle.


Alright my friends, you’ve got this! Trust the process and stick with the healthy habits that helped you lose weight. Stay consistent, move more, control portions, eat quality nutrients, and lift. Here’s to you and your awesome new lean bod - now rock those skinny jeans! 👖

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