Ideal Sleep Times and Patterns for Each Age Group


Ideal Sleep Times and Patterns for Each Age Group


Sleep Needs for Infants

Newborns need 14-17 hours of sleep per day. Ideal nap times and bedtime for infants 0-3 months old include:

·                     Daytime naps every 2-4 hours lasting 30 minutes - 2 hours

·                     Bedtime between 7:00-8:00 pm

·                     Waking every few hours for feeding

1. Nap Frequency

Young infants take short, frequent naps totalling about 15 hours.

2. Night Waking

Expect wakeups every 2-3 hours overnight for feedings.

Sleep Needs for Young Children

Children ages 3-5 need about 12-14 hours of sleep. Recommended nap times and bedtime include:

·                     One daytime nap lasting 1-2 hours

·                     Consistent bedtime between 6:30-8 pm

·                     Sleeping through the night without wakings

1. Nap Consolidation

Naps start to consolidate into one longer midday nap.

2. Bedtime Routine

Following a calming pre-bed routine helps signal sleep time.

Sleep Needs for Teens

Teenagers ages 13-18 need 8-10 hours nightly. Ideal sleep habits include:

·                     Going to bed between 9-11 pm

·                     Waking up by 6:30-8 am on school days

·                     No napping

·                     Following a regular sleep/wake schedule

1. Sleep Phase Delay

Melatonin secretion shifts later, pushing back sleep time.

2. No Naps

Napping may make it harder to fall asleep at night.

Sleep Needs for Adults

Most healthy adults need 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Recommendations include:

·                     Going to bed between 9 pm - midnight

·                     Waking around 6-8 am

·                     Avoiding screen time before bed

·                     Limiting caffeine, alcohol and big meals before bedtime

1. Screens Off

Light from screens suppresses melatonin needed for sleep.

2. Limit Liquids

Reduce fluids 2 hours before bed to limit bathroom trips at night.

Sleep Needs for Seniors

Older adults over 65 may benefit from:

·                     7-8 hours nightly

·                     Taking brief naps as needed

·                     Going to bed earlier

·                     Having a relaxing pre-bed routine

1. Earlier Bedtime

Seniors often feel sleepy earlier and wake earlier.

2. Daytime Naps

Naps no longer than 30 minutes help supplement nighttime sleep.

Developing Healthy Sleep Habits

Tips for improving sleep at any age:

·                     Follow a regular sleep schedule, even on weekends

·                     Make sure the bedroom is cool, dark and quiet

·                     Avoid caffeine, alcohol and exercising before bed

·                     Unwind with relaxing activities before bedtime

·                     Go to bed when sleepy to avoid tossing and turning


Getting adequate, high-quality sleep is vital for physical and mental health. Infants need up to 17 hours including daytime naps. Preschoolers do best with 11-13 hours nightly plus a nap. Teens benefit from 8-10 hours of sleep at consistent times. Most adults require 7-9 hours nightly. Seniors may need slightly less sleep and can supplement with brief daytime naps. Following healthy sleep habits can improve sleep at any age.


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