Ideal Daily Fiber Intake and Food Sources


Ideal Daily Fiber Intake and Food Sources


What is Dietary Fiber?

Dietary fiber consists of parts of plant foods that the body cannot fully break down. There are two main types:

·                     Soluble - dissolves in water to form gel-like substance

·                     Insoluble - does not dissolve in water

1. Found in Plants

Fiber is only present in plant foods like fruits, veggies, grains, nuts and beans.

2.Adds Bulk

Fiber provides bulk to waste and keeps bowel movements regular.

Benefits of Fiber

Higher dietary fiber intake provides health benefits like:

·                     Improved digestion and regularity

·                     Reduced cholesterol

·                     Increased satiety after eating

·                     Better blood sugar regulation

·                     Lower cancer risk

1. Lowers Disease Risk

Fiber plays a preventative role against heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

2. Aids Weight Control

The satiating effects can also aid healthy weight management.

Recommended Fiber Intake

Most adults should aim for 25-35 grams of fiber per day from food. Recommendations are:

·                     Men 50 or younger: 38 grams/day

·                     Men over 50: 30 grams/day

·                     Women 50 or younger: 25 grams/day

·                     Women over 50: 21 grams/day

1. Most Only Get Half

On average, most adults only get 12-15 grams per day.

2. Slowly Increase

Gradually boost fiber foods to avoid gas or bloating.

Best High Fiber Foods

Some excellent foods to get dietary fiber include:

·                     Beans - navy, kidney, chickpeas

·                     Oatmeal and whole grains

·                     Nuts and seeds

·                     Berries

·                     Avocados

·                     Leafy greens

·                     Bran cereal

1. Veggies and Fruits

Aim for variety to get different fiber types.

2. Read Labels

Check the fiber content on nutrition labels.

Ways to Increase Fiber Intake

Some tips to get more fiber in your diet include:

·                     Eat whole fruits instead of juice

·                     Choose whole grain breads and cereals

·                     Use beans, lentils in soups, stews, salads

·                     Snack on pistachios, almonds, popcorn

·                     Start day with oats, berries, flaxseed


Most adults should aim for 25-35 grams of fiber daily from food sources. A high fiber diet provides many health benefits like better digestion, satiety, blood sugar control, and reduced heart disease risk. Eat more fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains and nuts to increase your fiber intake.


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