How to Include More Omega-3s and Why You Should

How to Include More Omega-3s and Why You Should

How to Include More Omega-3s and Why You Should

Omega-3 fatty acids provide many benefits for your heart, brain, eyes and more. Getting sufficient amounts in your diet provides protection against various diseases. Here are reasons to up your omega-3 intake and simple ways to do it.

Table of Contents

  • Health Benefits of Omega-3s
  • Recommended Intake
  • Food Sources
  • Supplements
  • Recipe Ideas

Health Benefits of Omega-3s

Here are some of the top benefits of getting more omega-3s:

  • Heart health - Reduces triglycerides and blood pressure
  • Brain function - Supports cognition and mental health
  • Eye health - Lowers risks of macular degeneration
  • Pregnancy health - Aids fetal brain and eye development
  • Anti-inflammatory effects

Recommended Intake

Aim for at least 250–500 mg daily of EPA/DHA omega-3s. Those with heart disease may benefit from 1,000 mg.

Food Sources

Foods high in omega-3s include:

  • Fatty fish like salmon, tuna, sardines
  • Walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds
  • Fortified eggs, yogurt, milks
  • Edamame, kidney beans
  • Brussels sprouts, spinach


Fish oil, krill oil, cod liver oil, and algae supplements provide EPA/DHA.

Recipe Ideas

Ways to add omega-3s include:

  • Salmon or tuna steaks
  • Chia pudding with walnuts
  • Smoothies with flaxseed
  • Scrambled eggs with spinach
  • Edamame hummus

How to Include More Omega-3s and Why You Should - Eat fatty fish 2-3 times per week, use omega-3 enriched eggs, snack on walnuts and edamame, and add seeds to smoothies and oatmeal. Supplement if needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are good vegetarian sources of omega-3?

Chia seeds, walnuts, flaxseeds, Brussels sprouts, edamame, kidney beans, and omega-3 enriched eggs are vegetarian-friendly sources.

2. Is it safe to take omega-3 everyday?

Yes, omega-3 fatty acids are generally safe to consume daily, either through seafood or supplements. Follow supplement label instructions.

3. Which is better fish oil or krill oil?

Both provide EPA/DHA, but krill oil may be better absorbed. Fish oil requires lower doses for equivalent omega-3 intake.

4. Do walnuts have omega-3?

Yes, walnuts contain the plant-based omega-3 called ALA. 1 ounce of walnuts provides about 2.5 grams of ALA.

5. What foods reduce inflammation?

Omega-3 foods like fish, walnuts, and chia, along with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and healthy oils can reduce inflammation.

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