Habits For Improving and Stabilizing Your Mood


Habits For Improving and Stabilizing Your Mood


Exercise and Movement Habits

Physical activity is linked to mood stabilization. Aim for:

·                     20-30 mins aerobic exercise 4-5 days a week

·                     Strength training 2-3 days per week

·                     Outdoor exercise for stress relief and vitamin D

·                     Walking breaks throughout your day

Sleep Habits

Prioritize consistent, sufficient sleep:

·                     Aim for 7-8 hours each night

·                     Keep a consistent sleep/wake schedule

·                     Limit screen use before bedtime

·                     Follow sleep hygiene practices

·                     Manage stress and worry with mindfulness

Nutrition Habits

Eat mood-supporting foods daily:

·                     Vegetables, fruits high in antioxidants

·                     Omega-3 rich foods like salmon, walnuts

·                     Probiotics from yogurt, fermented foods

·                     Foods high in minerals like magnesium, zinc

·                     Limit processed foods, sugars, caffeine

Mindfulness Habits

Cultivate present-moment focus and awareness through mindfulness practices like:

1.                   Daily meditation

2.                   Yoga, tai chi

3.                   Nature walks

4.                   Deep breathing exercises

5.                   Observing thoughts and feelings without judgment

Social Connection Habits

Nurture supportive relationships and community:

·                     Spend quality time with loved ones often

·                     Share your feelings openly

·                     Join a social group aligned with your interests

·                     Limit isolation and loneliness

·                     Help and support others

Incorporating positive habits can help you manage mood effectively alongside professional treatment if needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long until exercise improves mood?

The mood-boosting effects of exercise start to become apparent within just a few sessions. Consistency is key for ongoing benefits.

What time of day should I exercise for mood?

Aim for morning or early afternoon exercise. Late evening workouts can negatively impact sleep.

Which foods are considered mood boosting?

Salmon, yogurt, nuts, seeds, leafy greens, eggs, berries, and bananas are examples of nutrient-dense mood boosting foods.


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