25 Habits For Better Sleep and Improved Energy

 25 Habits For Better Sleep and Improved Energy


Getting enough high-quality sleep is essential for energy, focus, productivity, and overall health. Unfortunately, many people struggle to get the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Developing habits that promote better sleep hygiene can help you fall asleep faster, sleep more soundly, and wake up feeling refreshed and energized.

25 Habits For Better Sleep

1. Stick to a sleep schedule

Going to bed and waking up at the same time each day regulates your circadian rhythm so you can fall asleep and wake up more easily.

2. Develop a relaxing bedtime routine

Having a consistent wind-down routine like reading or meditating signals to your body it's time to sleep.

3. Limit daytime naps

While short power naps can boost energy, long or late naps can make it harder to sleep at night.

4. Exercise regularly

Moderate exercise during the day helps promote better sleep, while vigorous exercise too close to bedtime can interfere.

5. Be exposed to bright light in the morning

Exposure to sunlight or bright light early in the day helps synchronizes your body clock.

6. Limit caffeine late in the day

Caffeine can stay in your system for 8-14 hours. Avoid coffee, tea, soda and energy drinks late in the day.

7. Avoid large meals before bedtime

A light snack is okay, but eating too much close to bedtime can lead to indigestion that interferes with sleep.

8. Limit alcohol before bed

While a nightcap may help you fall asleep, it causes sleep disruptions later in the night.

9. Stop smoking or using nicotine

Nicotine is a stimulant that leads to lighter, less restful sleep.

10. Get comfortable

Set your bedroom at a comfortable temperature between 60-75°F and use comfortable bedding for better sleep.

11. Block out excess noise

Use a sound machine, earplugs or a fan to help drowned out noises that can disrupt sleep.

12. Control bedroom light

Minimize outside light with blackout curtains and eliminate disruptive electronics lights.

13. Practice relaxation techniques

Meditation, deep breathing and mindfulness help reduce stress and anxiety before bed.

14. Clear your mind

Jot down worries on paper and set them aside so they don't keep you up at night.

15. Go to bed when sleepy

Only try to fall asleep when you actually feel tired to avoid tossing and turning.

16. Get out of bed if you can't sleep

If you haven't fallen asleep after 20 minutes, get up and try a relaxing activity until you feel sleepy.

17. Establish daytime rituals

Having set morning routines and work rituals help program a body clock.

18. Expose yourself to daylight within an hour of waking

Light exposure early in your workday keeps your circadian rhythm on track.

19. Don't look at screens before bed

The blue light from TV, laptop and phone screens suppresses melatonin production.

20. Eliminate distractions

Keep your bedroom dark, cool and quiet with a comfortable mattress for better sleep.

21. Exercise your mind

Read a book or listen to soothing music to help redirect worries and relax your body.

22. Write down a to-do list

Getting thoughts and plans out of your head and onto paper can prevent mental distractions.

23. Limit fluid intake before bedtime

Reduce the need for bathroom trips by limiting liquid intake 2-3 hours before bed.

24. Take a warm bath

A warm bath 1-2 hours before bed relaxes muscles and eases the transition to sleep.

25. Talk to your doctor

Discuss your sleep issues with your doctor to identify any underlying causes or medications that affect sleep.


Making small, consistent changes to your daily habits and bedtime routine can have a profound impact on improving your sleep quality and energy level. Start with just a few of these science-backed tips and build momentum by adding more good sleep hygiene habits over time. With commitment and consistency, you can optimize your sleep and wake up feeling more refreshed and energized every day.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some foods and drinks that can help promote sleep?

Foods like nuts, fatty fish, chamomile tea, tart cherry juice, and kiwi can help improve sleep due to compounds and hormones they contain that promote relaxation and sleep. Avoid spicy foods, heavy meals, and caffeine at night.

How much sleep do adults need for optimal health?

Most adults need 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Getting less than 7 hours regularly is associated with a range of negative health outcomes.

What causes insomnia?

Insomnia can be caused by mental health disorders like depression and anxiety, medications, chronic pain or discomfort, stress, hormonal changes, poor sleep habits, and more. See a doctor if insomnia persists.

How can I relax my body and mind before bed?

Practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, and mindfulness meditation can help calm your body and mind before bed.

What should I do if I'm tossing and turning and unable to fall asleep?

If you can't fall asleep within 20 minutes, get out of bed and engage in a relaxing, non-stimulating activity until you feel sleepy, then return to bed and try again.


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