Warning Signs of Alzheimer's/Dementia and Caregiving Tips


Warning Signs of Alzheimer's/Dementia and Caregiving Tips


Common Early Symptoms

Look for these early warning signs of Alzheimer's or dementia:

·                     Memory loss affecting daily function

·                     Confusion about time, place, people

·                     Difficulty completing familiar tasks

·                     Problems understanding visual information

·                     New issues with speaking, writing, logical thinking

·                     Misplacing items, losing valuables

·                     Poor judgment,withdrawal from work or social activities

Noticeable change from previous functioning is key. Share concerns with a doctor.

Caring for Daily Needs

Tips for providing day-to-day care:

·                     Maintain structure/routine for meals, activities, sleep

·                     Use calendars, clocks, notes to orient to date and time

·                     Lay out clothing, toiletries for self-care tasks

·                     Use lists, reminders for medications, appointments

·                     Provide easy to prepare healthy foods

·                     Promote physical activity and social engagement

Creating a Safe, Supportive Home

Adapt the home environment:

1.                   Remove fall hazards like rugs, improve lighting

2.                   Install grab bars, rails, lever-handle faucets

3.                   Use labels or pictures as visual cues

4.                   Keep important items easily accessible

5.                   Consider adjusting layout if behavioral issues arise

Caregiver Stress Management

Caregiving tips for looking after your own wellbeing:

·                     Ask family/friends for help - don't do it alone

·                     Take breaks when possible

·                     Connect with support groups

·                     Prioritize healthy diet, exercise, sleep

·                     Schedule routine medical checkups for yourself

·                     Identify signs of burnout early

When to Consider Professional Help

Reaching out for additional care resources can provide valuable support:

·                     In-home healthcare aides for companion care, respite

·                     Adult day programs for socializing, activities

·                     Support groups provide education, counseling

·                     Consider memory care communities if needs become complex

Caring for a loved one with dementia poses challenges. Seeking help allows you to provide the best care while maintaining your own health.

Frequently Asked Questions

How early can Alzheimer's be detected?

Although Alzheimer's can't be diagnosed before symptoms arise, early warning signs may be noticeable several years before diagnosis is possible.

What is the difference between Alzheimer's and dementia?

Alzheimer's is a specific disease and common cause of dementia. Dementia is a term for progressive decline in mental abilities from conditions including Alzheimer's.

Is memory loss always a sign of Alzheimer's disease?

No, memory normally declines slightly with age. Discuss significant, worsening memory problems with a doctor to determine the cause.


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